I'm Yasmine, a mother of two young children. One daughter is 3.5 years old and the other 2 years old. I'll be honest: every time I saw learning towers, I thought "a lot of money for what it is". I didn't really see the added value yet. Then I came across the Tuki learning tower and my prejudices turned out to be completely wrong. My soon-to-be 2-year-old daughter is so curious and for her this really is a real added value. Cooking has also become easier for me. Helping with cooking or just watching, it's all possible now. The days when she was hanging on my pants while I was cooking are over, because now she can just help.

The Tuki is also a really great invention when it comes to brushing teeth. The learning tower is height adjustable, which I personally think is a real plus. It is super safe and made of high-quality materials. The children can easily climb up and down themselves. My eldest daughter uses the learning tower as a princess tower, haha. So there are no limits to her imagination with this learning tower 😄 All my prejudices are now really a thing of the past and this learning tower has now become something indispensable in our house.

4 questions for Yasmine:
What was your first impression of the Tuki Learning Tower?
Super nice, robust look.
Super nice, robust look.
Does it meet your expectations?
Super comfortable to use. It is also practical that you can adjust the height of the footboard.
Super comfortable to use. It is also practical that you can adjust the height of the footboard.
What are the biggest advantages of the Tuki learning tower for you?
Now the children can always go into the kitchen or help Elize (3.5 years old) change her sister's diaper. Brush teeth, wash hands. It is indispensable and is used every day.
Now the children can always go into the kitchen or help Elize (3.5 years old) change her sister's diaper. Brush teeth, wash hands. It is indispensable and is used every day.
Why would you recommend it to other mothers?
Because the little ones can learn so much by watching us. They are so curious. And it's just so practical 🤗.
Source: Onder Mama's